Aloha- let's start the day off still a bit buzzed- that's what I have done the past 2 days. Work @ 7:30-5, drink, stay up late, repeat. Sunday I had the privilege to work in the main office- basically just answer the phone, check for lost and found items, tell lost people where to go... usually less direct interaction than the other 2 stations. Soooo I pretty much sat in a chair while my brain ate itself... I couldn't speak in complete sentences and really needed a nap... turned on pandora which played a bunch of 311, incubus, pepper, bob marley.. SO what do I do... start looking at surf boards online. I had no idea there were so many different boards to choose from and got a bit flustered. Who would know surf boards better than someone in Hawaii? I called a surf shop in Waikiki called Go Nuts or something and chatted with this boy (I don't remember his name) about surfing and Hawaii for like 20 mins.. pretty sure I have a new friend in Hawaii. He was pretty helpful.. at least I think- told me to get the biggest board I can get my hands on for learning and thennnn buy a board when I decide what kind of surfing I wanna do. My co-worker Mike was anxious to know what they call "gapers" in Hawaii.. anddd *drum rollllll* they call them Haules - We both got a good chuckle out of talking about gapers/haules. Next move- the pacific? hmm..
Lately- I want you to call but when you do I don't wanna talk
The show planet earth is CraZy- it goes from plants.. to ants... to monkeys.. to fish and monsters in the sea-
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