It's been a while friends- if anyone is out there
sooo let's seeee.... this season is flying by and I've been riding as much as I can. Really workin these legs.
There's too much that has happened but I would like to give highlights on last night
Jacque, Ben, and Justin all moved into a new condo
-Never have I ever (one that I changed last night)
-Cake in the face.. swigs of grey goose followed by slaps to the face
-Hot tub.. snowball fights... slipping on my ass
-The goat.. awesome place to get into a fight with some guy who's pissed I wouldn't give him a lighter....
Pretty sure we all had a good night... $4 pitchers leaving one to puke in a beer pitcher, one to get into a fight, one to wet the bed, two to kick down a door because of lost keys, confessions and quotes during the car ride home, more slipping on the ice, and 2 hours of sleep.
= longest day at work ever.
Going to see Shutter Island tonight
Vail after Wednesday --- super excited!
Happy Birthday lil Sis - Aimee!!
I'm sooooo following your blog! :-) Miss you!