Here I am.. 2:30 am.. I did nothing tonight except stress about how my life has no direction right now. April is never a good month for me.. maybe it has something to do with the changing seasons. The best thing I did was move out here to Colorado.. I met some pretty amazing people.. some in which are leaving or already left. I also wasted time on some things when I should have spent more on others. big. waste. of. time. I moved out here for me. Not anyone else. I'm tired of unnecessary stress. unnecessary stress is making me tired. I'm trying really hard not to pack up my car and leave... to where.. I don't know?
I spent a good amount of time looking at missing people online. It is such an eerie feeling. What if someone you saw everyday went missing.. I only came about this because of an article in a cosmopolitan magazine. One that I should probably have a subscription to since I spend almost $5 on it every month.
I rode keystone all day today.. closing day. got some good slushy riding in. I may or may not attend the employee ride day tomorrow.. or today however you look at it. this is only if i wake up in time. at this point it's looking like ill sleep the whole day away. anyways..after riding i went to city market.. which is like a cub foods in mn... it was there that i purchased bread.. avocados.. cherry tomatoes.. cheese..lettuce.. ice cream cookie sandwiches.. chips.. spaghettios.. 2 cokes.. some vitamin water.. and 3 magazines.. solid shopping. I also rented a movie call 'an education' which i pre-ordered online.. guess what? i didn't watch it. yet. i also didn't do my laundry that i said i would do. very productive night on the couch. i even got lazy capitalizing my "i"s.
this song is weird.. i liked the tune but not sure about the lyrics
i rock out to this while snowboarding
....and the video makes me wanna dress up like a butterfly? or learn how to play bass.. and not end up on celebrity rehab
makes me feel like im spinning around really fast
still spinning
coming home? it's not something you know about
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